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The Primrose Perspective...

Isolation is the pits!

Robin Primrose • March 27, 2020

No really, its the pits!

As an introvert as well as a PTSD survivor, the sound of shelter in place was music to my soul. The problem is that isolation will bring you to the pit of depression in very short order. As I write, I can think of so many "good" reasons to isolate myself right now. After all I fall into that wonderful and comfortable category of "high risk" as far as COVID19 is concerned. I can dance merrily under its shadow and feel no guilt whatsoever. The problem is, isolating is guaranteed to throw me into depression and the terrible grip of PTSD. So how do I isolate without going into isolation? I believe the answer lies in my focus. As I isolate, am I focusing on my own wants, needs, or desires, or on the other hand, am I concentrating on the needs and comfort of others? I have to confess over the last week I have been a bit of a lounge lizard, while my wife has been out (she is not high risk) bringing comfort and supplies to others while keeping a healthy distance. She has been telling me for sometime now that we, meaning me, needed to blog about isolation. I, like most husbands, have been putting it off. As I write this now, I realize how dangerous that was for me, and how selfish it was towards you and I must apologize. While needing to stay home as much as possible, technology has offered a world of opportunity for me to be "un-isolated," if you will. How kind would it have been for me to reach out via Facetime or Skype and check on family and friends. It is so easy to text and actively contribute to the wellness of others, yet in my habit, I neglected to consider the possibility. I can be so very selfish. The truth is there is an entire world available to me at my fingertips were I to get up off my selfish backside and focus on others. Let me encourage you to join me in an effort to cast off the restraints and focus on those around us that might need our help. Let's find an innovative way to reach out to people in need. For today, let's choose to be less selfish!

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