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The Primrose Perspective...

The "Tenth" Beatitude

Robin Primrose • April 1, 2024

What to do about change?!

Broadcast Radio labs were a tricky class requirement in my major during my university years. Registering for the lab meant taking a grease pencil and blocking out the time on the laminated sign-up form next to the lab door. The tricky thing is that anyone could erase your grease markings and simply replace your name with theirs and now your slot became theirs. The fact that I was attending a “Christian,” school didn’t seem to dissuade those greedy for the time slot from falling into the sin of deception.  Too often, those in my major would need to register for a different time slot while looking into the window and watching the culprit wave while doing the work we had anticipated completing for ourselves. 

On one such occasion, one of my dormmates informed me that there are actually ten beatitudes, or at least there were meant to be. Growing up in church, I was quite familiar with the term “beatitude,” and was certain that the scriptures Matt. 5:3-12 included only nine. I took the bait and asked whatever in the world he meant. His response has helped guide me to this day, and I believe, might be useful for you as well. He informed me that the tenth beatitude, though not recorded with the others, was written on every page of the bible in one way or another. Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape! Though comical, I quickly saw that he was right.

There have been several things that have happened for Phyllis and me this morning that have put this particular beatitude to the test. Things outside our control changed and it certainly wasn’t comfortable. God brought this ditty back to my memory and I was challenged with how I would respond. I could dig my heels in and scream, fuss, maybe even cuss a little, or I could recognize that even in this, God was working in my life. Either way, the result would be the same, the only difference was how out of shape or damaged I would be in the end.

We have entered into the spring season. It is a season of growth and new beginnings. If there is anything certain about growth and new beginnings it is that it
always involves change. Change is such an uncomfortable word but if we are alive, we are changing. Allow me to encourage you to learn this tenth beatitude, “Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape.” Allow yourself to take on whatever shape our Potter chooses as we become His precious masterpiece.

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I recall vividly the first time I played Tackle-the-boy-with-the-ball. Long name and we just shortened it to, “Dogpile!” I was eight years old and was playing it with at least five other boys, most much larger than I was. From my earliest memories, I had always been terrified when my breathing was impeded even slightly. Forget putting my head underwater. When my grandfather picked up the sleeping bag with me sinking to the bottom while he swung me, I panicked. Even dusty roads caused issues for me and I never understood why. When it was my turn to have the ball and be tackled it was great fun up until the point I had five other bodies pressing me into the ground and my breathing was slightly hampered. According to the other boys I, “Hulked out.” I started throwing bodies off me like they were match sticks and I was furious! I turned into an animal trying to survive. When I came back to my senses all the other boys were standing around amazed at the transformation. Between fight-or-flight and adrenaline, I had become someone completely different. Fortunately, my friends thought it was cool and we kept playing, but I made sure I stayed on top of the pile for years after that, and eventually I “grew” out of it. But I always wondered why I had this difficulty. Several decades later the answer was revealed. Now a forty-something-year-old adult, I learned that, as a six-month-old infant, I had been abused by a babysitter and her son. They took great joy in placing me on the floor and placing their feet in my chest in order to gain compliance. I had known they had been abusive but had no idea the extent of their abuse. It took another twenty years for it to click. Their feet and overt efforts to control me had left deep scars on my soul, even at that early age. Somehow, in God’s mercy, I had just grown out of it, or so I thought until last week. My wife and I were learning a new game with my two daughters and their husbands when I perceived an infraction of the rules. When I brought it up, everyone started shouting and I was confused as to why. In my mind, it was a dogpile and I was on the bottom of the heap. The next thing I knew the discussion had changed from the rules of the game to my behavior and how I had become, “hostile” and aggressive in my tone and verbiage. What is worse is that this was a frequent behavior and I recognized it. I quickly dropped into despair. I had been emotionally abusive and I not only felt powerless to stop it but couldn’t even see it when it was happening. After a great deal of prayer and tears the next day, I realized that my feelings during the outburst at the game, were identical to my feelings at the bottom of the dogpile when I was eight. There had been a soul wound established as an infant I had known nothing about and my precious family had helped me to see it. God made short work of the wound and I am looking forward to testing out His patchwork during our next game. My point is, even as infants we are able to receive wounds that will affect us for the rest of our lives if we don’t take care of them. If you find repetitive behaviors that you can’t explain, consider your early years or even your mother’s pregnancy. God can and will heal those wounds, but we have to get on the operating table to let Him do it. So, jump on up! It is so worth it!!!
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