"Thank you! I'll forever cherish our friendship. You both have been an incredible blessing in my life. Because of your love, support, and prayers I am the woman of God that I am. I am the mom my kids need, the employee my [boss] needs, and the fiance my God-send needs. I love y'all and thank you. Lori, South Carolina
...if I even have PTSD?
"I have never seen combat. How can I have PTSD?"The things I have gone through seem so small against what others have suffered." "My friend was right beside me and doesn't seem to have any problems."
PTSD couldn't care less if you are in the military or not. It is unconcerned with your socio-economic standing. Even your sex plays no part in PTSD. Two people may be standing side by side and go through the exact same events, but their "experiences" will be entirely different, therefore how your body reacts to those experiences will be different.
If you have been suffering from the effects of trauma for over 6 months, the first step is to talk to your doctor. Be open and honest with him and let him help you with your next steps. If you find you are still confused, feel free to contact us.
I'm not sure I can change.
There is an almost Satanic element to PTSD. As PTSD victims, we have an aversion to the very things that can help bring healing. We often develop clever responses to those around us in order to avoid such nourishing elements. I (Robin) use the word we, because I am also involved in this healing process. I assure you there is not a person on the planet that is beyond help in regards to PTSD. Several exercises that bring about change quickly (some in less than a month) can be found on this page. Yes it really does work but only if you commit to staying the course.
Upcoming Events
There are many events and organizations that can offer help. The most important element toward successfully coming out from under PTSD is admitting that we are not alone and that we can NOT beat this on our own. The only way to win this battle is to rub shoulders with other people in similar circumstances. The results are worth the risks! You will find a listing of organizations and upcoming events that will help you change the direction PTSD is taking you.
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Here are a few links to organizations we have found helpful.
If you are seeking prayer ministry with us, this application is the first step